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How-To-Guide: Preparing Your Husband For Family Photos

Family photos can be stressful! Trying to coordinate outfits, schedule a perfect time, and keep the kids happy requires an army, if not more. I often hear many clients (usually moms) express their frustrations regarding the lack of help they receive from their husbands. Being a mother and wife, I have first-hand experience with this sort of thing and am aware that marriage is a team sport. Throughout my years, I’ve been able to “train” my husband with small things that make such a difference in the family photo process. Here is a much-needed How-to-Guide on Preparing your Husband for Family Photos!

dad is touching noses with little daughter
mom is holding dads arm and the two are looking at each other
family is sitting on the sandy beach during golden hour

#1. All eyes away from the camera

Yes. You heard me! Your husband’s first job is to NOT focus on the camera. Guys get so caught up in looking directly into the lens like it’s their day job. I’m here to tell you that to make the most out of your family photos, your number one priority is to emphasize to your spouse that acting natural is the best way to pose for pictures. Remember that most guys’ Instagram feeds are not filled with picture-perfect family photo inspiration like yours. Most dads need to be trained not to stare into the camera for the entire session; take it easy on them, though; it’s all they know, haha! Remind them that their focus and energy should be directed towards the kids and you- the photographer will do the rest! 

indoor lifestyle shot with dad hugging sons
upside down shot of mom and dad laying in the grass

#2. There is no I in Team

The two of you are ONE when it comes to family photos. As much PDA as he’s willing to give, we will take it! How special will it be for your kids to look back on these pictures and see how in love their parents were with each other? Amidst the hectic chaos family photos and life can bring, they laughed through it and made it look good as well! The best gift he can give you is not making sure the kids are well behaved during their session but focusing on you, his wife, and just loving on you!!

dad with baby son
behind shot of family walking together in a field

#3. Prepare for a jungle gym

Let me tell you; I’m not kidding. I’m sure he’s already pretty used to this, but let me reemphasize this- we aren’t going for perfection here; we are going for precious, candid moments that will be caught and frozen in time by the eye of a photographer and her lens. The goal is for your family photos to exemplify joy and real life! You may forget the moments until you look back at your pictures, and your heart melts because you remember everything about this special family session you had with your tribe. So. With that being said, be prepared to wrestle, race, and embrace the mess this session may bring- and enjoy it wholeheartedly.

dad is throwing son up in the air and catching him

#4. Turn your focus this way

For my fourth tip on preparing your husband for family photos, it’s all about focusing the attention on the following: wife feeling gorgeous, dad looking like the hero he is, family emotion in the in-between moments, and of course, the family portraits. Speaking from experience, when my husband is aware of my specific goals during a session, he’s actually SO helpful in making those moments come to life!

upside down shot of family laying down in the grass
dad sitting and playing in sand with son

#5. Having inspiration is KEY

My fifth and final tip- have pictures of inspiration to go off of. Having a visual representation or mood board is one of the most beneficial ways to execute a vision you have. Show samples of sessions you love from Instagram, Pinterest, or a website. Husbands really are the most visual learners! It’s not fair to them to expect them to know exactly what we envision without showing them beforehand. Out of all the tips I have provided, reiterate this one religiously!

family is walking together in a field
mom and dad are holding hands and smiling at each other
mom and dad are holding both sons up in the air

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